Foot Care by a Registered Nurse

Foot Care by a Registered Nurse or a Registered Practical Nurse

Staying mobile is important for your health

Looking after your feet will help keep you mobile. If you cannot reach your feet or see them well enough to care for them safely, it may be time to book an appointment with our Foot Care Nurse.

Professional foot care begins with a thorough nursing assessment of your feet and includes a health questionnaire and visual inspection. After assessing your feet, we design a personalized foot care program specific to your needs such as nail trimming including thick hard to cut nails, reducing thickened nails, treating cracked heels and dry thick skin, fungal nails, athletes’ foot, corn and callus care, treating ingrown toenails, as well as suggestions regarding footwear and keeping your feet more comfortable between visits.

Many clients prefer to book appointments every 6-8 weeks to keep their feet comfortable. Diabetes increases the risk of foot problems and complications. So, diabetics may need monthly appointments to decrease the risk of serious foot problems.

Not able to come to our office? We provide care in the comfort of your own home, retirement and nursing homes, or long-term care facility.

Helping to keep you moving,  Your GEM Health Care Team

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